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What does "Dad" mean to you if you are a sperm-donor-conceived boy with a Solo Mom? 
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The Story

Tommy is a young boy, who happens to be donor-conceived and living together with his Mom. Other kids don´t always understand that Tommy has no Daddy, which causes Tommy to ask his own questions: is it weird to not have a Dad, and how can he look at the donor? 

Tommy´s Donor Dad

For Solo Mom families and anyone interested in non-typical family structures

This book is a lovely read to share between Solo Mom and donor-conceived child, but also valuable to educate other children (and adults!) about non-typical family structures. A topic that is becoming more and more prevalent in today´s society.

A children´s story to open the conversation about what it means to (not) have a "Dad"

Tommy´s Donor Dad encourages children and the people around them to think about what a sperm donor means to them. How can we understand the concept of father or Dad in these cases? This book introduces these questions in a simple and respectful way, leaving lots of room for the child to develop their opinion for themselves.

Now: Also in Dutch!

Spanish translation coming out soon!

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Why this book?

How this book came about When we dream about having a child or a family, donor-conception is...

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